Indigenous Peoples’ Guardianship: Advancing Indigenous Self-Governance for Territorial and Cultural Protection of Mother Earth
October 28, 2024
We invite you to join this conversation in Cali, Colombia during COP16, presented by Nia Tero and hosted by Nature House.
Date: Monday, October 28th
Time: 3:30pm - 5pm COT
Location: Cali, Colombia - exact location to be shared upon registration
Details: Join us for a private dialogue between government ministerial delegates and Indigenous authorities from Brazil, Canada, Colombia, and the Solomon Islands about Indigenous Peoples’ Guardianship and its contributions to protecting Mother Earth. The conversation will explore ancestral knowledge and Indigenous governance systems, which are key to biodiversity flourishing.
With the participation of:
- Sônia Guajajara (Guajajara People | Brazil), Minister of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil
- Hon. Trevor Mahaga (Solomon Islands), Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management of the Solomon Islands
- Government representatives from Colombia and Canada, to be announced
In dialogue with:
- Oswaldo Muca (Tanimuca People | Colombia), President of the National Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon
- Ângela Amanakwa Kaxuyana (Kaxuyana People | Brazil), Member of the Fiscal Council, Indigenous Fund of the Brazilian Amazon, and Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB)
- Paul Roughan ('Are 'Are People | Solomon Islands), Pasifik Strategy Lead, Nia Tero
- Valérie Courtois (Innu Nation | Canada), Executive Director/Utshimau Indigenous Leadership Initiative
Registration: Please request an invite using the RSVP form on this page by October 26.