
Nara Bare 16x9

August 31, 2023

‘Holding back the sky’: Indigenous Peoples’ land rights are under threat in Brazil

By Nara Baré

In the Brazilian Senate this August, politicians are debating a bill whose logic can only be followed if you know nothing about the past 60 years of Brazilian history.


Indigenous peoples and police stand in front of a crowd with signs in Loreto, calling for attention to their demands.

July 10, 2023

Militarization of Indigenous Lands Threatens Indigenous Guardianship

On May 3, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued the "Situation of Human Rights in Peru in the Context of Social Protests" report presenting findings from a working visit held January 11 to 13, 2023. 


Malocas de Indigenas en aislamiento en el área de la ri Yavari Tapiche ORPIO 2016 16x9

June 23, 2023

Peruvian Congress Shelves Law that Would Put Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation at Risk

Nia Tero and ORPIO

Today the Commission on Decentralization of the Peruvian Congress will debate the proposed Law 3518/2022, that would weaken the law that protects Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the Peruvian Amazon.


Illustration of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira with text honoring their memory. Art by Cristiano Siqueira

June 5, 2023

One Year After the Murders of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips, the Javari Valley Remains Under Threat

Monday, June 5th, marks one year since the brutal murders of our friend, the Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira, and of Dom Phillips, a British journalist, in a remote area of the Amazon rainforest – the Vale do Javari. Read the latest developments.


Eric Terena portrait 16x9

April 26, 2023

DJ Eric Terena: Sons Coletivos para Uma Nova Era


Na esteira de uma mudança política no Brasil em direção à justiça ambiental e aos direitos indígenas, o ativista e DJ Eric Terena (do povo indígena Terena) compartilha neste episódio de Seedcast como a música pode contribuir para o bem coletivo.


SEEDCAST S3 E1 Eric Terena Photo Credit Tracy Rector 16x9

March 15, 2023

DJ Eric Terena: The Collective Sounds for a New Era


On the heels of a political sea change in Brazil toward environmental justice and Indigenous rights, Activist and DJ Eric Terena (of the Terena Peoples) shares how music is being used for the collective good.
