Stories films

Image of Tree and Stars

December 15, 2021

Nia Tero Storytelling: 2021 Year-In-Review

Nia Tero

It has been an incredibly productive and beautiful year of storytelling at Nia Tero. All of our efforts are guided by the leadership and creativity of our Indigenous partners. At the core of this work are hopes and concerns for future generations.

Given the current state of Earth and the climate crisis, we feel human decisions and behaviors can heal the planet, as evidenced by the guardianship carried out by Indigenous Peoples around the world. Indigenous land stewardship shows us not only the ways of the past and present, but also the ways of the future. As an extension of that work, Indigenous storytelling links a millennium of knowledge with current-day action. This is why Indigenous storytelling is an integral part of climate justice today.

We are honored to be part of this movement, and to share this work with you!

Edited by Nils Cowan

