Seedcast Podcast

Listen to Seedcast, a narrative podcast produced by Nia Tero, where we dig up, nurture, and root stories of the Indigenous experience from around the world. The goal of Seedcast is to support the rights and traditional ways of Indigenous Peoples and amplify their practices of reciprocity. We share stories from around the world and honor guardians of the land who have lived in relationship with their traditional territories since time immemorial.

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Directors of film Tuhaymani’chi Pal Waniqa’ (The Water Flows Always) in their home land, the Mojave Desert

October 25, 2023

Tuhaymani'chi Pal Waniqa (The Water Flows Always) in the Mojave Desert


For this episode of Seedcast, let’s meet in the Mojave Desert in a spot where we can gaze upon Mamápukaiv, also known as the Old Woman Mountains.


Jeremy dutcher

October 11, 2023

Wolastoqey Sounds Like This: Jeremy Dutcher - Live On KEXP


Today we’re listening to music that is an act of language revitalization and a crafted response to the crises we collectively face.


Weckawupok, The Approaching Dawn

September 27, 2023

Sonic Journey Two: Weckuwapok (The Approaching Dawn)


“And all of a sudden the sun begins to rise until everyone could see the sun. And the sun felt so nice and was very bright. The Knowledge Keeper says, "The People of the First Light know that the sun loves us.” ~ Roger Paul.


Johnson RP Pilot 2021 16x9

September 13, 2023

Princess Daazhraii Johnson and the Generation Reclaiming Gwich'in


Imagine learning a language that is spoken by only a few hundred people—an Indigenous language that belongs to a people and a land that have been in relationship with each other for countless generations.


Diiyeghan naii Taii Treedaa Trailer picture

August 30, 2023

Sonic Journey One: Diiyeghan naii Taii Tr’eedaa


“I’ll always remember my grandfather’s stories... about what it means to be a Gwich'in person. We want our children to live like our Ancestors.” - Alisha Carlson, in Gwich’in


Red background with person dressed in red shirt and face mask, with fingers and hair line painted red.

August 16, 2023

Spotlight: The Solidarity Index – Korina Emmerich


The Seedcast podcast's latest Spotlight comes from the amazing team behind The Solidarity Index, and they’re sharing their conversation with Indigenous fashion designer and community builder Korina Emmerich (Puyallup).
