Seedcast Podcast

Listen to Seedcast, a narrative podcast produced by Nia Tero, where we dig up, nurture, and root stories of the Indigenous experience from around the world. The goal of Seedcast is to support the rights and traditional ways of Indigenous Peoples and amplify their practices of reciprocity. We share stories from around the world and honor guardians of the land who have lived in relationship with their traditional territories since time immemorial.

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Matt Remle portrait

September 28, 2022

He Who Charges with Thunder: A Conversation with Matt Remle


In this Seedcast episode, we talked with Matt Remle (Hunkpapa Lakota from Standing Rock Sioux Reservation) about how his Lakota teachings, guidance from his elders, and even his name guide his actions and how he shows up in the world.


Gabbra people loading camel.

September 14, 2022

Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa Pt 2: How Connection to Creator, Moon, Stars, Earth, Sun, and More Guide Gabbra Knowledge


In the second episode in our two-part Gabbra series, hear songs of celebration and how the Gabbra people stay in close and constant dialogue with each other, exchanging ancestral wisdom as they pass on their traditions and revitalize their knowledge.


Shifting during wet season

August 31, 2022

Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa Pt 1: How Traditional Knowledge Saw the Gabbra People Through Colonization and Climate Crisis


In this Seedcast episode - the first of two parts – hear songs, stories, and sounds of the lands the nomadic Gabbra people of eastern Africa shepherd, and how they share traditional knowledge from generation to generation.


Traditional dance - Gabbra People

August 17, 2022

Trailer: Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa


Enjoy this sneak peek of our special two-part Seedcast episode, "Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa." For this collaboration, the Gabbra community shared recordings of their songs and celebrations along with the lands and animals they shepherd.


Back Home with Chad Charlie

July 20, 2022

Back Home with Chad Charlie 2


We're coming up on the two-year anniversary of Seedcast, and we're celebrating by re-releasing our very first episode featuring filmmaker, comedian, and poet Chad Charlie (Ahousaht First Nation/Black.)


Kokonati Talk Meli Tuqota Seedcast Spotlight 16x9

July 6, 2022

Spotlight: Kokonati Talk - Meli Tuqota - Cultural Reconnection Through Art


In this podcast spotlight of Kokonati Talk from Neisau Tuidraki (also a Nia Tero Pasifika Journalism Fellow), Neisau talks with Meli Tuqota, a Fijian filmmaker who reconnected with his own heritage and native language in the process of filmmaking.
