Seedcast Podcast

Listen to Seedcast, a narrative podcast produced by Nia Tero, where we dig up, nurture, and root stories of the Indigenous experience from around the world. The goal of Seedcast is to support the rights and traditional ways of Indigenous Peoples and amplify their practices of reciprocity. We share stories from around the world and honor guardians of the land who have lived in relationship with their traditional territories since time immemorial.

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Nara Baré at COP26 2021 March. Photo by Tracy Rector

June 22, 2022

Seedcast em português: Nara Baré — Os povos indígenas seguram o planeta


Neste episódio do Seedcast, apresentamos Nara Baré, da Nação Baré. A história da Nara é de empoderamento por meio do conhecimento.


view of pond in Acadia National Park at sunrise

June 8, 2022

Spotlight: Parks - Acadia


In this spotlight episode from Parks podcast, scholars Darren Ranco (Penobscot) and Suzanne Greenlaw (Maliseet) share the history of Acadia National Park and the land's colonization and talk about the Wabanaki’s recent efforts to access these lands.


Valerie Courtois

May 25, 2022

Valérie Courtois and Sacred Kinship in the Boreal


Valérie Courtois (member of the Innu community of Mashteuiatsh) has spent her life bridging traditional Indigenous knowledge and Western science. She shares stories about life in the Boreal, working with the Indigenous Leadership Initiative and more.


Nara Baré COP26 2021 Photo Credit Tracy Rector

May 11, 2022

Indigenous Peoples Hold the Planet: A Conversation with Nara Baré


In this episode of Seedcast, meet Nara Baré, member of the Baré Nation. Nara shares how her educational pursuits prepared her to join the larger movement to support land sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples across the Brazilian Amazon.


Seedcast en Español El Barco de Sueños Cómo los Achuar Adoptaron la Energía Solar

April 27, 2022

Seedcast en Español: El Barco de Sueños - Cómo los Achuar Adoptaron la Energía Solar


En este episodio de Seedcast en español, miembros del pueblo Achuar de Ecuador comparten su viaje hacia el transporte impulsado por energía solar.


Person standing with graduation cap and gown in front of water and mountains.

April 13, 2022

A State of Perpetual Memory: Native Identity Through Connection to Land


There is no singular Indigenous experience. We take a walk with five Indigenous Peoples from five different regions of Turtle Island to hear their stories about their identities, their cultures, and their connections to land.
