
Still from the film Ma’s House by Jeremy Dennis (Shinnecock), who is also pictured here on the lands of the Shinnecock Nation. Courtesy of Reciprocity Project.

February 28, 2024

Sonic Journey Four: Ma's House


In our latest Sonic Journey, join us on the lands of the Shinnecock Nation, which have been cared for by the Shinnecock People for over 10,000 years.


Film still from SÜKÜJALA TEI directed by David Hernández Palmar (Wayuu). Photo courtesy of Reciprocity Project.

February 14, 2024

Sonic Journey Three: SŪKŪJULA TEI (Stories of My Mother)


Who’s ready for a little Indigenous joy, knowledge, and inspiration? We’re starting Seedcast Season Four with deep listening, as a powerful way to witness one another.


RPS107 Pili Ka Moo BTS1 Kolea Shows Kalo To Camera

January 31, 2024

Coming Soon: Seedcast Season 4 – An Invitation to Listen


We can’t believe that we are kicking off Season 4 of Seedcast on February 14! And with so much chaos and noise around us, we’re going to start off this season by getting grounded and listening to Indigenous song and language.


Sending light this winter solstice 2023. Graphic Design by Joel Schomberg

December 20, 2023

Sending Light This Winter Solstice


Here in the northern hemisphere, as the winter solstice approaches, the light is changing quickly, and the sun sits lower on the horizon with each passing day.


Tyson Running Wolf during the recording of the film Niitsitapi.

December 6, 2023

The Sacred Essence of Blackfoot Culture


In Blackfoot Territory, a powerful people is in relationship with a powerful place. At the Continental Divide, the snow-capped Rocky Mountains leap out from prairies that stretch out flat for what feels like forever.


Seeds inside hands of three persons

November 22, 2023

Spotlight: The Native Seed Pod - Indigenous Food Warriors with Chef Crystal Wahpepah


“If you want to talk about the Indigenous Food Warrior, that's what we all are. We're here to protect. We're here to give. We're here to heal.” - Chef Crystal Wahpepah (Kickapoo)
